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Sustainable Brand Kickstarter

When you’re just starting out with a brand, it can be difficult to turn your ideas into concrete reality. Bringing sustainability into the mix can make things ever more confusing.

Combining our expertise in sustainability and the creative process, we’ll work with you as partners to flesh out your ideas and clarify your brand’s foundations, understanding how and where sustainability applies, and give you everything you need to move forward with clarity and confidence.


Through a thorough and collaborative process designed for you, we’ll work together to flesh out your ideas and build a solid foundation with a strong concept, vision and values. We’ll emerge with a clear understanding of how sustainability fits in to this picture.


- Individuals or entrepreneurs just starting out with your business or brand.

- Full of ideas but needing help to develop them, make them more concrete and bring them to reality.

- Wanting to bring sustainability and purpose into your brand’s identity but unsure how they apply.


You need to have confidence in your ideas to move forward with them. Launching with a clear vision and strong foundation paves the way for success.

And in today’s world, sustainability isn’t a ‘nice to have’, it’s a necessity - both in terms of environmental responsibility as well as business strategy.

Through Tammy’s engaging workshops & in depth knowledge of branding & sustainability, we designed a purpose driven brand that I’m truly aligned with. She listened to my vision & challenged my ideas, helping to take concept to the next level. I really feel that she was as passionate & excited about the brand as I was, giving me the confidence in her & in us as a team.
Founder of Maison Souk & YG Designs
Yasmine Grech
Tammy was amazing!I'm starting a brand from 0. The main challenge is that I want it to be as sustainable as possible. I've been researching this topic for years & still was as lost and overwhelmed (if not more) as the first day. During our sessions, I learned so much! everything started to make more sense & became much clearer, a path I could follow. I'm very happy I decided to partner with Cosie on this, I still have a very long way to go but now I have a much cleare idea on how to get there.
Founder of Hand my Paw
Gabriela Permetei
Tammy’s ability to understand my vision and translate it into words has helped to steer my idea in the right direction and brought much needed clarity. The sessions were designed with clear objectives and delivered with a true spirit of co-creation. Not only is her knowledge and expertise on point, but her vibrant personality also brings an extra dose of motivation to the table. A true pleasure working with her.
Angela Pereira Alves
The thorough focus on sustainability as part of the brand building and the in-depth insights is what helped us create and grow as a brand. Tammy offered us a tailored strategy report that has been crucial to the developing of the brand, she sat with us to understand where we were coming from and what we wanted to achieve and turned it into life. It was a pleasure having her work with our team.
Founders of vivi
Sue & Wayne Satariano